
Every company wants to provide the best quality for its customers while maintaining profit margins. Being able to confirm the product is correctly labeled provides value to customers in many ways. A distributor who is testing with AFT can provide this extra piece of documentation, a written guarantee, that the distributor provides quality to customers. Because the price of testing with AFT is minor compared to the overall cost of an order, prices from distributors testing with AFT and those not testing with AFT will be equivalent. The result is that the distributor testing with AFT will gain and retain more customers! Only the distributor testing with AFT can provide the customer with documentation guaranteeing the species of the sampled fillet. Winning even one new customer by offering the AFT insignia of quality with every order can make the decision to test with AFT a profitable decision for any distributor.

Distributors are in a unique position within the industry. Distributors purchase seafood from other sources and, unless they test with AFT or purchase whole fish and have a taxonomist at the dock to verify the species, must rely on the seller’s assertions that the seafood being purchased is the proper species. Based on the assurances of the distributor’s supplier, the distributor then sells the seafood to many different outlets. Thus, a single carton of fish can be distributed to hundreds of clients and sold to thousands of consumers. If this seafood is mislabeled, the distributor could face jail time or millions of dollars of liability in fines alone.


Web Inquiry Form

Use the web inquiry form to obtain infomation about the services offered by AFT.

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
13420 Progress Blvd
Ste 100
Alachua, FL 32615

(386) 418 3661  

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